Born Secular and Inconsolable

Recently work has got in the way, most particularly in relation to stuff I want to talk about. As such posting volume has gone down; apart from links which by definition can’t be anything other than commentary on what is already common knowledge. Yet I’ve been encouraged to keep talking about stuff, most especially stuff that has no relation to work and getting over the hump of talking about things is half the issue so I’ll give it a go.

How many razors can a man want? The Economist considers. Some classic Basil Rathbone movies to download free and legally. Sherlock Holmes in Dressed To Kill and Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (yes Hannah, I’ll get you Charade). The social functions of location in mobile phone conversations (asnwer, it’s a lot). An insightful BBC article on BitTorrent and traffic shaping. Free (legal) download of the Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins album (from which the title of this post is taken). A brief pictoral history of hard drives (full of joy and beauty). You can apply Shaping Things (a very good book) to all sorts of things, for example, Shaping Games. You can be assured that I am also thinking about other places to apply it, however